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Purification Cleanse


I recently did an amazing purification cleanse! I know that when you think of a cleanse or purification or detox, you may think “oh great, what kind of diet is it now……. and can i even eat anything?”

Well, in fact, this isn’t a diet.  This is a purification cleanse is meant to support your organs while you eliminate many of the toxins in your system that bombard you everyday.  Also, you can eat as much as you want on it.  Let me explain:

It is a 21 day program.  You are allowed to eat as many fruits and vegetables as you would like.  On day 11 of the cleanse you can incorporate lean meats such as chicken and fish. The program comes with various whole food supplements to give you your proper greenfoods, fiber, proteins, and organ support as you process the toxins out of your system.  The supplements are necessary to assist your bodies detoxification pathways and also promote an environment to which toxins can be eliminated most effectively.

Of course, there are a few things they recommend you eliminate during this 21 days, such as caffeine, alcohol, grains, process and refined foods, and dairy.  It is said that anyone can break a habit after 21 days…

Last month, I lost 15 pounds that I didn’t even know I had to lose.  Probably the best part about it for me was how amazing I felt.  I was sleeping great, had tons of energy, felt good about the food I was eating, not getting those afternoon crashes, and just feeling good about LIFE!

In practice I have seen phenomenal results with this cleanse.  A man that had been diagnosed with diabetes many, many years ago came to me with questions about the cleanse.  His primary concern was eating fruits.  Believe it or not, his MD told him to stay away from fruit because it would affect his blood sugar.  Here, take this insulin, but don’t dare eat fruit…… classic.  Anyway, I got him some research on the cleanse and let him think about it for a while.  He ended up doing the cleanse and reported back to me when it was done.  He told me that after the 21 days, he had his blood panels ran, and his blood sugar had stabilized and back in a normal range.  Surprisingly, his MD told him that he could come off the insulin he had been taking for years…..(WOW!, FOOD CAN DO THAT?!?!?!?!?!)

Another person who did the purification cleanse was on statin drugs for his cholesterol. By the end of the 21 days, his total cholesterol had dropped 50 points and he also came off his meds.

There are many great other stories that I have witnessed.  Many symptoms that we don’t listen to are a direct result of what we put in our mouth.  Also, a great “side effect” of the cleanse is that you typically lose weight.  If you are interested in this, you can go to the website below, or contact me for a sample packet.  Bottomline is that we need to know where our food is coming from.  If you want to be more ALIVE, you have to eat things that are ALIVE!

Chiropractic Services: Innate Intelligence


Your children are an excellent example of the amazing intelligence of the body.  Two cells meet, divide and continued to divide. The nervous system (brain, spinal cord, and nerves) were the first system to develop upon conception and continued to develop a heart, lungs, eyes, ears, little fingers and toes in perfect harmony. Your child was born exhibiting one of the greatest miracles of life.

It is the nervous system that controls all other systems. It regulates the heart rate and rhythm, it allows the lungs to coordinate breathing, giving essential oxygen to the brain and body. It controls the gut and digestion, senses, and regulates all hormones and chemicals that are integral to your bodies homeostasis. A chiropractors job is to locate, analyze, and remove any interference in your nervous system — the master system of your body — to facilitate your body’s innate wisdom to heal itself. We were never programmed to be sick. Symptoms such as pain, sneezing, coughing, runny nose, etc., are our body’s perfect adaptation to warn us that something is out of balance and needs to be changed. Chiropractic is a physiological approach to health care while medicine is a pathological approach to sick care.

Any interference in your nervous system is termed “subluxation” in the chiropractic world, which is literally broken down as sub-meaning less, lux-meaning light. Subluxations arise from stress, whether emotional, physical or chemical. Do you have any stress in your life? Many of the foods that we eat today are pumped full of hormones, antibiotics, sprayed with herbicides and pesticides, and pose a significant stress to our bodies. A physical stress is described as any type of trauma, such as falling down, sports injuries, car accidents and often times birth traumas. Emotionally, our home life, workplace and other relationships can produce stress in our lives. All of these stresses are processed by our nervous system and handled the best way our body knows how, but often times manifest in a physical form, resulting in displacement of the spinal column. The chiropractic adjustment is a specific force put into the body to clear your nervous system from any subluxations (interference), allowing your body to function to its optimal potential, becoming a greater expression of life and allowing our inborn intelligence to heal itself.

Chiropractic is vastly misunderstood among the general public. It is inevitable that we can’t fully understand the depth of a certain area of study unless we immerse ourselves in it. This is precisely the reason we hire an accountant, a lawyer, and a realtor to take care of our respective needs in their field of expertise. Clearing the nervous system of interference by using a specific and safe adjustment is the domain of a chiropractor. The chiropractic profession was built upon principles and a philosophy that was founded over 100 years ago and is now the 2nd largest health care profession in the world.  Somewhere during the professions’ history, a chiropractor has been portrayed as someone you see “to get your back cracked to cure your pain.”  This is as far from the truth as imaginable.

Chiropractic is a way of treating the body as a whole to aid your body in functioning to its maximum potential, embracing a unique approach to create balance in your nervous system without the use of drugs or surgery—therefore optimizing your inborn intelligence to move closer to health, rather than away from disease.  There are a wide spectrum of chiropractic specialties and techniques, but the fundamental philosophy is the keystone from which the profession was built.  Find a chiropractor with whom you feel a connection and comfortable while keeping in mind that your body is its own greatest doctor.



This blog is designed to encourage a shift on your thoughts about health.  Peruse the site and leave me your comments.  Enjoy!